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Sr Siobhán
Nov 27, 2022
'These will hammer their swords into ploughshares'
1st Sunday of Advent Reading: Isaiah 2: 1-5 The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In the days to come the...

Sr Siobhán
Nov 27, 2022
Advent - Season of Grace
Today we are invited to begin our journey of deepening faith through Advent. God has walked with us throughout this year and we now wish...

Sr Siobhán
Nov 20, 2022
Celebrating the Feast of Christ the King and Mother Winifrede Tyrell
Reflection for the Feasts of Christ the King and Mother Winifrede Tyrell ‘He will be called the ‘Peacemaker’ and his throne will stand...

Sr Siobhán
Oct 16, 2022
A girl restored to life and a woman healed
In this reflection I invite you to journey with me as I reflect on the Gospel story Mark 5: 21-43. In it we see how theological...

Sr Siobhán
Jul 10, 2022
A tale of two Motorbikes
As I reflect on the Gospel today, (Luke 10:25-37 two true memories come to mind which reveal to me how social, economic, political and...

Sr Siobhán
Jul 1, 2022
An invitation to dinner
'As Jesus was walking he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the custom house, and he said to him, 'Follow me.' And he got up and followed...

Sr Siobhán
May 18, 2022
Reflection for the Feast of Fr. Victor Braun
As we celebrate the Feast of our holy founder, Fr. Victor Braun today, I am encouraged to once again reflect on his founding vision and...

Sr Siobhán
May 15, 2022
First Holy Communion - A call to mission
Reading: Acts 10:40-43 God raised Jesus from death on the third day and caused him to appear. He was not seen by all the people, but only...

Sr Siobhán
May 10, 2022
Searching for the Truth
Reading: Acts of the Apostles. 11: 19-26 'Those who had escaped during the persecution that happened because of Stephen travelled as far...

Sr Siobhán
May 9, 2022
My soul is thirsting for God
'Like the deer that years for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God. My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life;...
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