‘Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity.’ Pope Francis
The mission of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary is to be ‘Joyful co-creators sharing God’s unconditional love in our wounded world.’ We commit ourselves to prophetic witness to the healing, liberating and empowering love of Jesus to the most vulnerable. We have felt compelled to respond to human trafficking in the following ways:
We pray each day with the whole church for an end to the abomination of human trafficking. We seek the intercession of St Josephine Bakhita for each one.
Sisters supports victims who have arrived in England in perilous small boats and now seek refuge, companionship and food at Liverpool Foodbanks.
A sister was one of the founding members of the APT – ACT TO PREVENT Trafficking Charity in Ireland, whose purpose is two-fold:
To raise awareness of the issue of trafficking in persons and to work in collaboration with others to prevent the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation.
To achieve this purpose, APT focuses on developing links with networks of religious women and men in countries of origin of victims and countries of destination.
Networks with other similarly committed organizations and action groups, nationally and internationally.
Looks for ways to raise public awareness of the issue by offering presentations about human trafficking to schools, parishes, and groups.
Seeks ways to protect the rights of victims of trafficking.
Works with other groups to address the demand for purchased sex, which fuels the trade in human trafficking.
Prays and encourages others to pray for those trafficked, for traffickers, and for an end to this violation of human rights. She served in ministry with Ruhama, an ‘Irish NGO and registered charity that offers nationwide support to women impacted by prostitution, sex trafficking, and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation.
‘Ruhama advocates and engages in policy work on issues related to prostitution, sex trafficking and the experiences of the women we work with.’
We are a member of RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation. ‘Working tirelessly to rehabilitate victims, free the world of sexual and labor exploitation, slavery and organ harvesting.’
A Sister volunteers at the RAHAB Safe House in London empowering the women through her compassionate care of each one.
I support an Iranian couple who escaped with their lives from the oppressive Iranian regime. God is ever faithful; they are looking forward with joy to the birth of their first baby later this year.
May we be ever true to our call to be ‘Joyful co-creators sharing God’s unconditional love in our wounded world.’