Second Week of Advent: Wednesday
Today we are offered two Gospel Readings. The feria is taken from Matthew 11:28-30 and the memorial of St. Ambrose, John 10:11-16. I will attempt to share some thoughts on both.
Saint Matthew speaks to us about Jesus’ mission of offering rest to all who are overburdened and labouring beneath the cross of life. He wishes to offer hope and consolation to each one and invites us to come as we are and to share our story or burden honestly with him. When we do so, in gentleness he will teach us how to live a deeply spiritual life that will bring us into greater union with God and each other. Our souls will be at peace and our mission will bear fruit.
Saint John shows us the tremendous personal love and concern that Jesus has for each person comparing it to the care and attention that a good shepherd has for his flock. Jesus is totally dedicated to the welfare of each one to the point of sacrificing his life for their salvation. No one is outside the embrace of his heart. He seeks out the lost and gently calls them home. He reminds us that if we are to be part of his fold, we must listen to his voice deep in our hearts each day and graze in his pastures. There we will find life for our souls.